A’s To Vegas: The Economic Benefits of a Professional Baseball Team in a Mid-Size City: A Comprehensive Case Study

The Economic Benefits of a Professional Baseball Team in a Mid-Size City: A Comprehensive Case Study


This case study investigates the potential economic benefits of a mid-size city gaining a professional baseball team, examining the impact on local tourism, property values, and other contributing factors. By offsetting the costs associated with building a stadium, the analysis demonstrates the overall economic advantages that can arise from hosting a professional sports team.


The establishment of a professional baseball team within a mid-size city can bring about significant economic opportunities. This case study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the potential economic benefits associated with a mid-size city gaining a professional baseball team, considering various factors such as tourism, property values, job creation, and community development. As an expert economist, I will evaluate the costs of building a stadium against the potential economic growth generated by the presence of a professional baseball team.


To conduct a thorough analysis of the potential economic benefits, this case study utilizes both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Data was collected from a variety of sources, including academic journals, industry reports, government publications, and case studies of similar cities with professional sports teams. The research also incorporates interviews with local government officials, business owners, real estate professionals, and community leaders to provide a holistic understanding of the potential impact on the city.


  1. Tourism: The presence of a professional baseball team can significantly boost local tourism. Game attendees, particularly those from out of town, contribute to the local economy by spending on accommodation, dining, transportation, and other leisure activities. Additionally, the city’s enhanced reputation as a sports destination may attract larger-scale events and conferences, further stimulating tourism and revenue.
  2. Property Values: The development of a new stadium and the increased demand for housing and commercial properties in the surrounding areas can result in higher property values. Improved infrastructure, enhanced public spaces, and the creation of mixed-use developments around the stadium can contribute to a more vibrant and attractive urban environment, positively affecting property values.
  3. Job Creation: The construction of a stadium and the ongoing operation of a professional baseball team can create numerous employment opportunities within the city. These jobs span various sectors, including construction, hospitality, retail, and transportation. Moreover, the influx of tourism dollars can lead to the growth of existing businesses and the establishment of new enterprises, further expanding the local job market.
  4. Community Development: A professional baseball team can foster a sense of pride and unity within the city, as residents rally behind their local team. This increased civic engagement can lead to the development of community programs and partnerships, enhancing the quality of life for local residents.
  5. Economic Growth: The combined effects of increased tourism, higher property values, job creation, and community development can contribute to overall economic growth for the mid-size city. The direct and indirect spending generated by the presence of a professional baseball team can result in a substantial economic impact that may offset the initial costs of building a stadium.


This case study demonstrates that the potential economic benefits of a professional baseball team in a mid-size city can significantly outweigh the costs associated with constructing a stadium. The increased tourism, higher property values, job creation, and community development that stem from the presence of a professional sports team can generate substantial economic growth for the city. By carefully planning and leveraging the various benefits, a mid-size city can successfully capitalize on the opportunity to host a professional baseball team and create a lasting positive impact on the local economy and community.

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